Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Engaged in My Eden

The moment I enter the trail
That leads to centuries-old trees,
I feel the soft earth 
Beneath my pavement-worn feet;
It has been far too long 
Since I have felt 
The welcoming carpet of needles,
Relieving the pressures of life;
Waterfalls are plentiful as birdsong;

The murmur of traffic is drowned out; 
My worries are washed away

I sit with pen in hand
Upon a mound of earth,
Watching the sunlight

Favour some trees over others

I don't want to leave,
But I have only begun my journey 
I rise to see 
What else awaits me around the bend 

All senses are engaged, 
As my camera tries to capture
Where I am,
But I am no longer in this world
God is with me here. 
Is this heaven? 
I follow the footpath to find out

Dare I approach a bush aflame?

Who needs museums' dusty artifacts?

I am umbrella-ed by foliage, 

Serenaded by a nameless bird; 
There's much to investigate here
Within the pools of life-giving water 

This place is called Charlie's Trail,
But it is God's Trail (and mine)
We are alone here
Though a plane's motor overhead
Reminds me

To the city I must return;
Passengers may be on their way 
To a vacation;
This is mine
A holy day, communing 
With my kind Creator

I journal via video, 
Keepsakes to treasure;
I divert from the path,
Led by a minstrel making music
With water over descending stones
Below a universe upon a branch;
High above, a woodpecker flits 
From tree to mossy tree,
Taps out its own beat

A fly quickly buzzes past; 
A sunlit berry, not yet ripe,
 Invites me to return

But I am not ready to leave 
Just yet
I query to the hole 
In the bottom of the tree:
Is anybody home?
My heart replies, 
"Yes, I am" 
Where I marvel at so much -
Mystery and majesty,
 Much like my God

I prune a branch of dead leaves,
Watch them drift in the breeze,
Fall to decompose 
Upon the ground
I stand, upon a rock, 
Solid, my footing is firm,
My spirit is getting there
With this dose of relief
From the bothersome bustle
That waits beyond these borders
Of cedar and calm

I bring with me a bough 
And a sacramental stone
(As I depart 
Into the full light of sun)
Tangible reminders 
Of when I was led 
Beside quiet waters
And my soul was refreshed 
June 21, 2017

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

The Milky Way

Into the 'winter street' 
Clusters of countless stars 
Cascade in, 
Down a spiral staircase 
Of radiant light -
A celestial circle, 
By God's fiery exhalation
Myriad reminders ignited 
From His wisdomed voice,
"Let there be...
Not just any light, 
But supernatural galaxies 
Of immeasurable light" 

June 14, 2017