Friday, 9 November 2018

Prove That You are Human

Prove that you are human 
Prove you’re not a robot 
Answer this equation  
Click the called-for shots 

Prove you’ve learned subtraction 
Prove that you can see 
Prove you can distinguish  
Letters R and P  

Prove that you have blood 
Flowing through your veins 
Tell me of a secret crush  
Who doesn’t know your name  

Prove that you are living  
And not a wired mess 
Tell me of a memory  
You wish you could forget 

Prove that you are human  
And not a steel machine  
Tell me your favourite colour 
Tell me your sweetest dream  

Prove that you are human  
As you scour the internet  
Tell me what enrages you 
As if we’ve never met  

Prove that you are human  
State your birth and name 
Tell me what gives you hope 
Tell me how we are the same      

My Mother Had a Lazy Eye

My mother had a lazy eye 
Down the long dirt driveway 
She looked, lingering 
At the mailbox by the prairie road  
For a letter to arrive, 
A word to come from another world - 
Her uniformed older brother  
In combat fatigues  
Overseas, over there  

Her mother, Clara, had buried 
Her first husband and infants  
South of the border 
She soldiered on, 
Married a pint of a man  
Named Harry, 
Took in boarders  
In their farmhouse 
The ‘Tuckey Hilton’ 

Strange men knocked at the door 
With medals on their chests 
Smiles were missing  
As they shrugged at questions 
Heads silently bowing; 
My mother was there, 
Present, but looking away