Sunday, 31 May 2020


I will show you something 
I don’t care if the world can see 
Here I am on bended knee, praying 
That you and your race will know 
Your place, your place below, 
Yes, even six feet deep 

This is torture,  
Touching you, 
Listening to your whining, nigger 
I guess I should have  Done like the others, 
Like all the others  
And just pulled the trigger  

Triggered by the horror  
On the TV screen  
Blacks and white unite  
Slowly, very slowly,  
Whites are learning 
Some of the countless troubles  
Blacks have, too long, seen  

A father fears to walk his pet alone 
A patrol car might dog his avenue 
A husband fueling his wife’s car 
Those car seats in the back?  
Why should they belong to you? 

A man watching uncaged birds  
In the sunlit park  
Gets screamed at and threatened  
Well, his skin was dark 

A child walking home with candy 
A man reading a book, 
A woman looking out her window 
This was all it took  
To become a suspect 
Before a barrage of bullets ensue 
By those paid 
To serve and protect  

Uncharged, acquitted, not guilty 
Verdicts from the courts  
Is it because black lives do not matter? 
Their blood senselessly splattered 
Is still red like rage, or a face being choked  

A black man walks into a bar 
And lived to tell about it 
This is not a joke      

Saturday, 1 February 2020

My Fourth Grade Scars That Linger 50 Years

My mother’s flimsy support  
hose by the hairy burdocks 
that fell from Gustave’s shears 

My tears, a haze I entered in - 
was it the next day  
the photographer said, “Cheers” 

My face graffitied with defeat 
preserved in black and gray,  
among the gargoyled sneers