Saturday, 11 June 2016

Treasures of Spring

En route to an outdoor
Bevy of bargains,
I see a proliferation of poppies
Filling someone's front yard
(Buttercups clutter the side)
My eyes delight in the sight
A I all too quickly pass by
Further on, a length of fence
Employs to corral
This bright orange joy

I disembark from the bus
And decrease my pace,
Stroll past vivid gardens
And a duck-filled stream,
Savour the sun's
Long-hoped for embrace,
Pause at the sound of rejoicing
That flitters through
Whispering leaves

Even the basket I rescued
From the boulevard
(A cast-off
From one of the hundreds of
Trash/treasure sales)
Is decorated with flowers -
A handy receptacle
For 50 cent vases
And a handful of daisies,
Poppies, campanula

With my pockets still full of jingle,
I meander back home
Inhaling rosy perfume
June 9, 2012

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